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Great Two-Way Action on NFL Conference Finals This Weekend

Stay with the Broncos, Even in Starbucks Country; Don’t Underestimate the Panthers.

Miami, FL -- While the Seahawks are a popular favorite – this weekend in the Conference Finals and then all the way to the Super Bowl – many smart punters are taking a second look at the Panthers.  For the underdog Carolina, this week’s odds of 4-1 could make for a sweet win for those that get behind the Panthers before the weekend Finals.  A Panthers victory in Detroit would be even sweeter for those that got in on pre-season 25-1 odds.

But before they get to Detroit, Carolina heads to Starbucks country this weekend for their 4th road game in a row and, more importantly for SportingbetUSA customers, their 4th straight cover.

“The linemakers opened Seattle at –6, but that number was pounded hard down to –3.5 and bettors like to ride a winner.  So I expect great two-way action,” said Tony Delgado of, “Remember, experience is on the Panthers’ side, as 23 of the current team played in the Super Bowl two years ago.”

The AFC Super Bowl representative will be chosen Sunday in the first game of the day in Colorado, as the Broncos host the impressive Steelers.

“Pittsburgh is on a roll and what they did to Peyton and his posse worries me,” said Delgado. “Last week, a lot of people were jumping off the Colts bandwagon, taking Denver against New England on Saturday.  The Steelers are talented, but Denver’s defensive line is far superior to either Cincinnati’s or Indy’s, and I don’t see Parker or Bettis doing much.”

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