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Red Light Cameras Increase Accidents

Newspapers in California are reporting that red light cameras are not making intersections safer. One year after installing red light cameras, the number of accidents increased in Stockton.

Stockton, Calif. -- There were more accidents at intersections where red light cameras have been installed during the first year of operation than there were at the same intersections during the year before the cameras went in, according to a published report.

"The red-light cameras just don't work as advertised. Thousands of innocent drivers are getting tickets they do not deserve," said Joe Scott, from PhantomPlate, Inc., manufacturer of PhotoBlocker (tm). "The red light cameras actually lead to an increase in rear-end accidents as drivers slam on their brakes to avoid citations."

News reports from around the nation support the claims made by Scott.

According to a recent story in the Stockton Record, there were 90 traffic accidents at seven intersections in that city in 2004 and 97 in 2005. The 8 percent increase comes as a surprised because politicians claimed the addition of the red light cameras would promote safety and reduce accidents.

The newspaper analyzed statistics obtained from the city regarding accidents at the seven intersections where the cameras are located. Even though the predicted reduction in accidents was not obtained, the city just installed cameras at two more intersections and plans to move forward with the installation of seven more.

The accident increase is not unique. A recent report in the Coloradoan newspaper revealed an increase in accidents of 83 percent in Ft. Collins.

"Most drivers are good people who want to obey the law. If cities give them enough time to either stop or clear the intersection they will. But as long as cities use short yellow lights to generate more revenue through increased tickets, motorists will resort to PhotoBlocker spray to protect themselves," said Scott.

PhotoBlocker (tm) is a simple aerosol spray that when applied to a license plate does not in any way alter the appearance of the plate to the naked eye, but the flash picture from a red-light camera or speed camera makes the number on the plate unreadable.

"Drivers are tired of getting tickets they do not deserve. The cost in time and money to defend themselves is excessive, so they would rather use PhotoBlocker (tm) spray to save money by preventing the unjust tickets. We want our roads to be safe, and we do not encourage anyone to break the law. But we know how frustrating it is to get a ticket you do not deserve," explained Scott.

Incidents reported in the media increase the demand for cans of PhotoBlocker (tm) spray. The company reports sales of over 500,000 cans in 23 countries.

"We get calls, e-mails and letters from many professionals who are very happy with the effectiveness of PhotoBlocker spray. Journalists, doctors, lawyers, firefighters, teachers, judges and police officers themselves have resorted to using PhotoBlocker spray to avoid entrapment," said Scott.

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