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More software available for American Idol Voting

With the world’s best known Reality TV show, American Idol, opening their voting lines to the public there are now more software choices to help start casting votes for America’s next great singing idol.

In January the guys over at Niwot Data LLC released their first product called TalentVoterTM.  This is a computer program that lets the user rate contestants in reality shows in six programmable categories.  Additionally, if the show allows dial-in voting and the user’s computer is equipped with a dial-up modem, the votes can be automatically dialed.  Now the company has expanded their offering with two additional products.  TalentVoter is now available in Spanish, and there is a new version, called TalentVoter LE.

TalentVoter LE is an entry-level version that only requires three things from users; a telephone number, the number of times they want to call the show, and a mouse click of a Dial button. This no-frills compact version is available for immediate downloading.  As explained by one of the company’s managing partners, Sam Northington,  “We wanted to give our users the option of having a simple way of voting, if they just wanted to go with their gut feeling about a performer, and really just wanted something to help them push the redial button.”

When asked about the Spanish version of TalentVoter, Mr. Northington said,  “The American Idol and Reality TV phenomenon has spread around the globe.  Although we are working on an international version, we set a priority to make this Spanish version available first in the US to accommodate the folks here who still prefer their entertainment delivered in Spanish.”

When asked about future plans, Mr. Northington stated, “We’re dedicated to this technology, and will continue to offer innovative products to expand it and to enhance the viewer’s experience.  We also recently arranged for all production to be in a high-volume automated facility in Colorado instead of getting items from other states, which enabled us to provide a price reduction from our initial release.”

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