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America’s Independent Choice: Imperato-Brooks 2008

West Palm Beach, FL & Hartford, CT - March 2, 2006 - In a landmark announcement today, the leading independent Presidential Candidates for 2008, Daniel Imperato and Webster Brooks, have decided to join forces and run as the Independent White House Ticket, Imperato/Brooks 2008.

“Today, I am proud to announce that I am joining independent presidential candidate Daniel Imperato as his Vice Presidential running mate in 2008. Daniel Imperato is an extraordinary American. His campaign to restore our nation's prestige in the international community and awaken America to the new possibilities of growth and prosperity in an age of great global change will animate this nation to new heights. It is a tremendous honor for me to be a part of this great enterprise to renovate the American spirit,” stated Brooks.

Imperato felt that Brooks was the missing piece to his campaign for the White House in 2008.

“Webster brooks is a great man and a fine human being.  His compassion for the American people knows no boundaries, and his resolve towards our mission is steadfast.  With a man like Webster Brooks as our Vice Presidential Candidate, I feel we are ready to bring our message to all of America,” contended Imperato.

Brooks, a centrist who wished to bring new life to the American geopolitical scene, first decided to run for the White House because of the inability of traditional Democrats and Republicans.

“Six months ago, I launched my own independent candidacy for President in 2008. It is my firm belief that the challenges that now confront our nation are unique to the American experience, and that the leadership of the Democratic and Republican parties have demonstrated their inability to provide a new universe of solutions to resolve these issues,” expressed Brooks.

Brooks also felt that, teamed with Imperato, the two could make a compelling and legitimate run at the White House.

“The result of our discussions led us to the same conclusion; that by working together we could organize a powerful and compelling national campaign that offers the American people an authentic alternative in the 2008 elections.  We are committed to a public discussion to that will capture the energy and imagination of all American's to cast off the suffocating weight of cynicism and division that is eating away at the soul of our nation. I invite all American's to join with us to recapture our nation's sense of purpose and destiny in the 21st Century.”

Imperato concluded their joint statement with the following remarks, “The race for 2008 is on.  The Democrats and Republicans have tried to hold down the spirit of the American people for many years.  No longer.  We now have the opportunity to gain access to the White House for the American people.  We will start our Ballot Access Campaign across the country, and will prove to the American people that the real power in this country is in the people.”

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