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Politics, Bias, Anti-Americanism in the Classroom

Seattle, WA - Michael Class, a retired dot-com executive, aims to transform the way American history is taught and puts his money where his values are. Class founded a new publishing company, Magic Picture Frame Studio, and authored its first release, Anthony and the Magic Picture Frame - an American history book Class describes as the "antidote for exploitative teachers who push their political agenda and a curriculum of guilt and shame.”

"Sadly, the Colorado high school teacher who drew national attention for his classroom rants has lots of company," says Class. "I was appalled at how some teachers presented American history to my own children. My son and daughter learned that Thomas Jefferson had slaves - before they learned that he wrote the document articulating our rights and duties as free people. My children knew that more than a hundred thousand people died when the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan, but they were not made to understand the moral context and the enormous scale of the conflict called World War II in which the atomic bomb story fit."

Class wondered: "What would the heroes of America's past say to the children of today?"

In the book, the author's real-life son, twelve-year-old Anthony, time-travels into the great events of the 20th century. Advanced digital photography places Anthony in the cockpit of the Spirit of St. Louis with Charles Lindbergh, on the moon with Neil Armstrong, in the laboratories of Thomas Edison and Jonas Salk, and on Normandy beach on D-Day. Historical accuracy rules: Even Anthony’s conversations with America’s heroes are based on things they really said.

Class spoke with relatives of famous scientists and inventors, Holocaust survivors, award-winning biographers, and others who could help him ensure that the facts of the book were both accurate and vivid. The book includes more than 500 footnotes.

"The book arms kids with facts that are too often missing in today's textbooks and classrooms," says Class.

But the book goes beyond a simple recitation of historical facts: The book presents the moral lessons of American history. The chapter about Lindbergh’s flight is really about choosing one’s destiny. The story of Lou Gehrig is one of a virtuous life. The chapter about Thomas Edison is really about business. The story of Apollo 11 is about wonder, taking risks, and courage. The story of Dr. Jonas Salk is really about dedicating one’s life to a higher purpose. When Anthony “meets” his immigrant great-grandfather at Ellis Island, it’s really a story about what it means to be an American. Anthony’s observation of D-Day and the liberation of the death camps during the Holocaust is a testament to the reality of evil and the need to fight it.

"It's not an easy book," says Class. "The book challenges the young reader to see the modern world in light of the lessons of the past." Class recommends the book for grades 6 to 12.

Many adults will find the book challenging, too. Anthony compares the people and events of the past with the people and events of his own time. Anthony discusses the nature of good and evil, right and wrong, war and peace, what it means to be an American, honor and discipline, success and achievement, courage and destiny, marriage and family, God and purpose.

Class designed the book to help concerned parents and teachers put American history education back on the right track. The book includes recommendations for hundreds of books, movies, songs, and places to visit - exciting additions to a formal history curriculum.

"We can't afford to raise a generation of Americans who do not value their country, their heritage, and their place in the world," insists Class. "As Abraham Lincoln said: America is the "last best hope of earth.""

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